
Nov 6, 20222 min


Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Do you feel cursed?

Like something is standing in the way of your finances and success?

Like there is a ceiling that you can't break through, no matter how much you save and scrape to pay bills.

Something is standing in your way and it's spiritual!

They are called spirits of Debt, Struggle, Death and Destruction.

Did you know the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous? Well, it is. Standing on the Word of God and speaking it out loud moves those negative mountains and dark destroying spirits out of your atmosphere and into the realm of blessing. God's creative blessing. By His word!

Christ lives in you! Christ is the anointing of God. His Holy Spirit. His miracle working power. It lives in you, if you have received his spirit.

It's time to remove those curses and struggles with your words, for the power of life and death are in your tongue!

From the fruit of his mouth a man’s belly is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:20-21

Stop speaking words of failure and destruction, but life. Jesus said "he came the we might have life." Might being if you speak negative words over yourself then that is what will come to pass, but if you speak the Word of God and bless yourself with it, then goodness, prosperity and the Power of God will work through you and you will receive your blessing.

Abraham, believed God for his blessing and he received it. He left his home town, his family and his pagan lifestyle to follow God's promptings, and with his faith it was counted to him as righteousness. Meaning Right standing with God! Taking on God's likeness and God's abilities. Abraham is considered the “father” of all who believe (Romans 4:11–17). “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise” (Galatians 3:29).

Like Abraham, if you just believe in God, submit your life to Him, and ask Him (out loud), you will receive all that He has for you, and even more!

It's time to turn your wishing's and wanting's into declarations. When you call on God and speak out His word miracles happen, because God is the God of Miracles and Blessings. It's time to walk in Faith and int he Miracle working Power of God that is inside of YOU!

Learn how to pray yourself out of Strongholds and Dark situations in my books Out of the Darkness available on Amazon. Click on the image below.

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