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BOOK SALE 50% OFF! I was a Muslim then I found Truth (Paperback only)

BOOK SALE 50% OFF! I was a Muslim then I found Truth (Paperback only)

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This novel is about a young women, Semra, being set free, free from the confines of legalistic religious beliefs, traditions, wrong mindsets, abuse and bondage. Finding pure freedom, free from self-destruction, manipulation, curses, and living a life of peace and finding who she was created to be. A remarkable miraculous lifetime journey of one person who faced many unbelievable challenges, experiences and changes in such a short lifetime. As a young child faced with domestic violence, her father’s alcoholism, then demonic spiritual encounters, spells, witchcraft and curses of family generations and old wives tales. To then struggling with traditional religiosity and formalities, which conflicted with her faith and the many spiritual experiences she encountered resulting in trying to find a way out. An over powering father who demanded much of one women, her mother, who was abused, physically, mentally and tortured just because of her faith. Treated like a second rate citizen with no value, self-worthiness or respect, that each individual has the right too, morally and humanly. Raising five children on her own, struggling with two jobs and the pressures of a large family and what traditional community brings. Having to face all odds, Semra confronted and dealt with persecution, rejection, abuse, emotional turmoil and constantly fighting for what she believed in, in the natural and the supernatural. Laughed at by many because of difference in faith’s and standing up for what was right, truth, what she believed in and what she could see in the spirit realm. As she continued in faith and living her dreams to be a professional singer/songwriter/dancer/entertainer, Semra, continued her journey to find the truth and not follow tradition. As this battle continued, Semra, felt alone in anything she chose to do in life, which caused detrimental to her adult choices. Hoping that her mothers past would not repeat itself in her life, led to find a similar path had only prolonged the inevitable. Entwined in difficult circumstances, dreams were shattered, facing marital rejection, music career denial, abuse and curses in a modern world. Where was love to be found? In the continuous up hill conflicts of people’s exclusion and vicious hatred toward one another, she was left praying for a miracle. As she persistently and continually turned towards God for answers, He revealed himself to her in ways unimaginable, taking her on amazing travels out of this world and teaching her Himself from His heart of goodness, love and forgiveness to all mankind along the way. As the unimaginable became her reality, divine encounters were a regular occurrence, which she now would like to share with the rest of the world to bring Hope, Inspiration and Direction. “What does bring about change for someone to renounce the faith of their culture and embrace truth and transformation? Semra’s life tells it all. It is a life that reflects great courage, against family and cultural traditions and values”, Lynn Goldsmith – Editor Alive Magazine.
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